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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

An Acquaintance with Life !

I met a kid, who did not really know what he wanted, but was so full of life that even the happiest man on this Earth would envy him. I was amazed at how well had he described what he wanted in his life. But, despite that, when asked, he was unclear of his ambitions. His desires did not really match with his reality. But his eyes had a sparkle that could give light to someone who needed it most. “How can I decide if I want something, unless I try it?”, that’s what he said. It may be true in some matters but how can someone live a life of trial and error? He actually did. 

He not just believed in trying most of the things himself, but also made sure that he encouraged others to do the same. He had the power to inspire and make you do things despite you not wanting to. He almost ended up asking me a million questions and linked together everything I liked and then called me “multi-talented”. Honestly, whether I believed it or not, I liked it. His tiny eyes had innumerable dreams that needed fulfillment. But he had a spark in him that raised him above all. When he looked at the expanse of the sea, he looked like a dreamer, a lover, a giver....! Someone who had the heart to give more than what he wanted. 

I wonder, how many of us really have the courage to actually try all that we like or get fascinated by? Very few, I guess. But these few people are the happiest folks you may find and are indeed the most admired ones as well. Not because they know a lot, but, because they can show you a lot. 

I always thought and followed the idea, that people need to be taught what they don't know. It gave me pleasure to see them smile back with the pleasure of having learnt something new from me. I loved seeing people turn more knowledgeable and skilled; and felt proud of myself for having been a reason behind it, though not a significant one. But, I had forgotten that each person is born with some or the other talent that they may not have realized yet. And that this talent, if reminded could turn into a miracle. I saw this in him. How easily had he reminded me of all the things I was missing, in the wake of being busy; my Guitar, my dance, my sketches, colours, paintings,... just about everything. 
I cleaned my Guitar that day, after months. :)

We must love ourselves first, to be capable of giving love to others. But, do we actually follow the thought, having said that? He did not have any such well drawn principals in his life, but lived by most of those. Each passing moment made me feel the splendor of his thoughts.

That evening, the sun had set in a blaze of glory and I had an acquaintance with life.

- Pie