Can you please help me define "success"? Well, I had been thinking of it for long now. Many a times, I was trapped with the thought as to what exactly should be termed as success. Is it the monetary value of your achievements, your qualifications, your position / designation or something else all-together? And each time I started thinking on this aspect, I got a different reply from my very own mind. Each person I asked, gave me a different meaning and each situation I came across added different hues to it. I couldn't really figure out the exact meaning of the word, "Success".
When I think about the 2 and a half years I spent in my profession, I remember to have changed my thinking in terms of what I expect from it, a number of times. Initially, I only needed a job that could pay for my education and that read as "Research". I did not really know what all it involved. But, as time passed by, I fell in love with it. So much that I did not want anything more than that in my life. Without my notice, my profession had become my "Food for Life". I love it a bit too much, I guess.
Soon after I was well acquainted with Research, I wanted more out of it, God knows what. I knew that I needed more money but that was not all. I also wanted to be "Someone", known to people and spoken about. My greed had increased, though gradually. I was no longer satisfied by the 15 people in my office knowing me. I needed more. And as the luck may have it, I became the Senior Analyst and an Assistant to our CIO. I started going to a number of analyst meets and began interacting with the top management of various companies. I had stepped into a larger set of "known people".
So often we do not realize that the things we go chasing for may not be the ones we need or want. When we run, we can feel the momentum of the things that rush past us. But, we cannot see what went along, that we might have so badly longed for. With a cake in my hand, I had forgotten to learn how to make it. What if the cake got over? A thought. And I stopped running. For a moment, I felt lost. Like a whirlpool, everything started to turn in and around me. I sat back and begun to know the recipe and started with the most important ingredient of the cake- "Knowledge". I knew now for sure, what I was seeking.
Sometimes, to get something good out of life you have to let go off what you have gotten yourself addicted to or something that you have almost started to love. That's what I was about to put myself to. "A test of time". Seriously thinking, I am still confused as to how shall I define "Success". But, I know for sure that it is something that puts you on a higher level compared to yourself, each time you desire to grow up. The only thing that can hold your hand and drive you to that goal of yours, is your own courage and focus.
If you are able to define what you want out of your life, Success will define itself.